Survey on distribution of aggressive invasive species Reed sweetgrass (Glyceria maxima) in the River Yläneenjoki area in Southwest Finland
- Survey will be executed in co-operation with local actors.
Testing easily implementable solutions and practices for reducing and preventing spreading of Reed sweetgrass.
- Survey will be executed in co-operation with local actors.
- Aim is to increase awareness of local people.
Compiling guidance package for removing, collecting and handling of reed sweetgrass based on earlier projects and experiences
- Guidance package will be disseminated in social and local media.
Instructional evening discussion events on identifying Reed sweetgrass, management solutions and social capacity building
- Aim is to increase awareness of local people.
International cooperation and networking for finding and sharing best practices and knowhow
- Pyhäjärvi Institute will participate in workshops organized by other project partners for changing knowledge and ideas in themes.